Summer Reading and Math
Below are the summer reading assignments for each grade 1 - 8. Please download the information for the grade that your child will be entering into for the upcoming year.
Below are the summer reading assignments for each grade 1 - 8. Please download the information for the grade that your child will be entering into for the upcoming year.
Summer Work begins June 10, 2024
Rising 2nd Grade:
Review and master addition and subtraction facts 0-10.
Rising 3rd Grade:
Review and practice addition and subtraction.
Rising 4th Grade:
Review and master fact families: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students will be tested during the second week of school for mastery and grade will count towards their first report card.
Rising 5th Grade:
Review place value, multiplication and division. Some sites to practice:
Top Marks
I know it
Mr. Nussbaum
Math Games
Summer Work begins June 10, 2024
- Geometry Students: Please do not start IXL before that date. You will not get credit.
Rising 2nd Grade:
Review and master addition and subtraction facts 0-10.
Rising 3rd Grade:
Review and practice addition and subtraction.
Rising 4th Grade:
Review and master fact families: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students will be tested during the second week of school for mastery and grade will count towards their first report card.
Rising 5th Grade:
Review place value, multiplication and division. Some sites to practice:
Top Marks
I know it
Mr. Nussbaum
Math Games