Nurses Corner
Clinic Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Clinic Phone Number: (703) 687-4393
Notifying the school of student absences
Elementary Students: Please email the clinic, school office, and your child's homeroom teacher
Middle School Students: Please email [email protected]
When students become ill at school
Parents must pick up their sick or injured child in a timely manner when contacted. If the parent cannot be reached, emergency contacts will be called to pick up the child.
In accordance with Virginia Department of Health Regulations, students with fevers and/or contagious or infectious diseases will be sent home promptly and will be excluded from school and after school events while in that condition. Once the student is confirmed to be free of communicable illness by a health care provider or is fever free/symptom free for 24 hours without taking anti-fever medications, the student may return to school.
Email: [email protected]
Clinic Phone Number: (703) 687-4393
Notifying the school of student absences
Elementary Students: Please email the clinic, school office, and your child's homeroom teacher
Middle School Students: Please email [email protected]
When students become ill at school
Parents must pick up their sick or injured child in a timely manner when contacted. If the parent cannot be reached, emergency contacts will be called to pick up the child.
In accordance with Virginia Department of Health Regulations, students with fevers and/or contagious or infectious diseases will be sent home promptly and will be excluded from school and after school events while in that condition. Once the student is confirmed to be free of communicable illness by a health care provider or is fever free/symptom free for 24 hours without taking anti-fever medications, the student may return to school.
Health Forms
Confidential Health History Update
Returning students must submit a Confidential Health History Form and, if applicable, an updated Immunization Record each school year. Please print and complete the document below and return to the clinic:
Returning students must submit a Confidential Health History Form and, if applicable, an updated Immunization Record each school year. Please print and complete the document below and return to the clinic:
All students, see below for information on school-required vaccines.
All students, see below for information on school-required vaccines.
School Entrance Health Form
Students who are new to St. Theresa Catholic School will need to complete a Commonwealth of Virginia School Entrance Health Form for each child (see below) and return this form to the school office. Please remember to copy the original health assessment for your records before submitting the original to the school.
Students who are new to St. Theresa Catholic School will need to complete a Commonwealth of Virginia School Entrance Health Form for each child (see below) and return this form to the school office. Please remember to copy the original health assessment for your records before submitting the original to the school.
Tuberculosis Screening Requirements
All new students attending St. Theresa Catholic School are required to provide documentation that a tuberculosis screening has been performed no sooner than six months prior entering school. This documentation is included in the Commonwealth of Virginia Health School Entrance Form. It must be signed by a licensed health care provider and indicate that the student is free of communicable tuberculosis. If that part of your child's Commonwealth of VA Health Form was not completed at a physician's office or is outdated, you must have the Tuberculosis Screening Form, below, completed at a physician's office or through the Loudoun County Health Department. When complete, please submit to the school office before the first day of school.
All new students attending St. Theresa Catholic School are required to provide documentation that a tuberculosis screening has been performed no sooner than six months prior entering school. This documentation is included in the Commonwealth of Virginia Health School Entrance Form. It must be signed by a licensed health care provider and indicate that the student is free of communicable tuberculosis. If that part of your child's Commonwealth of VA Health Form was not completed at a physician's office or is outdated, you must have the Tuberculosis Screening Form, below, completed at a physician's office or through the Loudoun County Health Department. When complete, please submit to the school office before the first day of school.
Medication Authorization Form
For all medications prescribed by a physician or over the counter medications, except inhalers or Epi-Pens, please print and complete the form below and return to the clinic:
For all medications prescribed by a physician or over the counter medications, except inhalers or Epi-Pens, please print and complete the form below and return to the clinic:
Asthma Medication Authorization Forms
For students with asthma, please print and complete the forms below and return to the clinic:
For students with asthma, please print and complete the forms below and return to the clinic:
Allergy Treatment Plans and Authorization Forms
For students with allergies that use only Benadryl, please print and complete the form below and return to the clinic:
For students with allergies that use only Benadryl, please print and complete the form below and return to the clinic:
Antihistamine Administration
For students with allergies that use an Epi-Pen or Auvi-Q, please print and complete the forms below and return them to the clinic:
For students with allergies that use an Epi-Pen or Auvi-Q, please print and complete the forms below and return them to the clinic:
Diabetes Emergency Reference Forms
For students with diabetes, please print and complete the forms below and return to the clinic:
For students with diabetes, please print and complete the forms below and return to the clinic:
Seizure Action Plan
For students with a seizure diagnosis on anti-seizure medications, please print and complete the forms below and return to the clinic:
For students with a seizure diagnosis on anti-seizure medications, please print and complete the forms below and return to the clinic: